The United States devotion to protecting the State of Israel has always been a bone of contention between the US and a number of other countries, or at least the more left leaning members of other countries. This devotion is unlikely to change with the proximity of the next US presidential election in just over one year.
Yet it is this devotion that is significantly cutting of the United States from the rest of the world. Not only are they alienating the Arab World by their blind following of Israel but there are also alienating the Latin world, Asia and increasingly their own allies. Save for the end when Palestinian membership of UNESCO was confirmed the biggest cheer in the chamber was when the French surprisingly voted in favour. Of the 27 American allies in NATO only 5 of them were against the motion. Of the 16 non NATO allies of the United States only 3 of them were against and one of them was the State of Israel. So forget losing the support of the wider international community the United States couldn’t even carry the support of her own allies. Only 19% of them backed the US position on the issue while 37% abstained. 44% of them though supported the Palestinians ahead of the United States.
The recognition of the Palestinians by UNESCO provides an even further danger for the United States both domestically and abroad. US Federal law mandates that the US withhold funding for any UN body that recognises the Palestinian Authority. Now not only does this cut over 20% of UNESCO’s budget but also threatens a number of other UN bodies if they happen to admit the Palestinians, including the World Heath Organisation and the International Atomic Energy Agency, or more importantly threatens US involvement in it. With the increasing international crisis with regards to the nuclear program in Iran now is not the time for the United States to be cut off from the IAEA.
It means that not only is the United States alienating itself from the majority of the countries on this planet, including its own allies, by opposing the Palestinians quest for freedom, there are also putting their participation in international agencies at risk. It means that during international incidents such as a nuclear Iran or a world wide pandemic or epidemic the United States will be separate from the decision making process designed to solve those crises. Additionally by removing funding for many of the crucial programs carried out by the United Nations bodies they risk further alienating the other countries in the world, especially their key allies who have shown over the past few months, such as during the Anglo-French led NATO intervention in Libya, that they are increasingly willing to enact foreign policy separate from the wants and wishes of the United States.
While the US is possibly sincere in their support for Israel they need to ask the very difficult question. Is it worth it? Can they risk being left out in the cold for this? Can they risk alienating their own allies for it? Can they stand in the face of overwhelming international opinion on the issue and say no? If for one think they will and I also think they and probably the rest of the world may regret it. The Palestinians and the Americans are playing high stakes poker. The problem for the US is that they are holding 2s and 7s off suit while the Palestinians are sitting with pocket Aces. The US is praying that the flop goes their way.
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